Almost all Aluminum Brighteners contain a percentage of Hydrofluoric Acid. (CAS 7664-39-3). This acid is ranked among the compounds most hazardous to human health. The danger of an Aluminum Brightener burn is that it can rapidly penetrate the layers of skin, making flushing with water alone ineffective.

Most effective Aluminum Brighteners will contain somewhere around 10% Hydrofluoric Acid, although this can be based on a Hydrofluoric Acid of either 40% or 70% strength, possibly even less. If skin exposure to an Aluminum Brightener containing 15% of a true 70% Hydrofluoric Acid occurs, treatment at an emergency medical facility will be necessary in most cases. If the exposure is minimal and the application of large volumes of water is immediate, the victim maybe placed under close scrutiny to see if burns do develop. Unless the flushing has been immediate following a low-level exposure, the emergency room should always be the next option. It is even a good idea to have the local Poison Control Center informed by phone in order for them to offer their expertise to the treating physician. In all cases, be sure the appropriate MSDS accompanies the victim to the hospital.

The fluoride ions in the Hydrofluoric Acid are the culprits in Aluminum Brightener Burns. They are hungry for electrons and try to bind with calcium in the body. As the body becomes deprived of calcium, nerve damage follows and cell membranes are destroyed. The time factor involved will be proportional to the strength of the acid. Burns can in some cases be delayed for several hours. The pain will be described as deep burning or throbbing, often with very little noticeable skin damage.

The standard First Aid for any acid burn is to immediately flush with large amounts of water. The minimum recommended duration is five minutes. All clothing should then be removed while in the shower. If a 2.5% calcium gluconate gel is available or .13% benzalkonium chloride is available, rinsing may be kept to five minutes. In the absence of these solutions, flushing should continue until medical help is available, but should never delay the trip to the E.R.. If the gels do not relieve the pain, injections of 5% calcium gluconate by a physician may be needed. The 2.5% Calcium Gluconate solution is the preferred method of treatment. The product can be mixed by any local pharmacist. Immersion of the burns in ice-water way dull the pain en-route to the E.R.

Company safety sessions should be conducted regularly for any persons exposed to Aluminum Brightener containing Hydrofluoric Acid. These sessions should cover safe handling, protective gear, ventilation, drum movement, spills and emergency response to burns. Appropriate supplies should be on hand and local hospitals should be involved in networking before the fact, with proper protocols being established in some detail.

Aluminum Brightener is used around the United States with remarkably few cases of serious burns. Its safe use is predicated on common sense, safety training and preparation. These will insure many years of accident free use.

Jerry Kaifetz, Omega Chemical

NOTICE:   The information accumulated herein is believed to be accurate at time of printing, and given in good faith, but no warranty either express of implied, is made by the manufacturer or distributor. Recipients are strongly advised to confirm in advance of need that the information is current, applicable, and suitable to their circumstances, and to provide all users with suitable protective safety gear (safety-glasses & face shields, protective industrial rain suits, rubber boots).